AM Mid Day: #EastPalestineDisaster: DIOXIN?!
Circle of Life may become the Circle of Death in East Palestine
America Mission Mid Day News: East Palestine disaster.
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We The Patriots USA, Scott Smith, Millie Weaver, JD Vance, Frank Castiglione
Ashley McCollum, Risa, Stephen Petty -Petty Podcast, America Mission
Stop believing the lies: It’s not fine. They are not okay.
The citizens can’t wait until it’s ‘hashed out’, as the diseases appear.
Guilty: POTUS, EPA, FEMA, Norfolk Southern, Governor Mike DeWine, tbd
Just because you do not see it or hear it in the media, the disaster is not over.
==> Listen:
==> Read:
What’s New and News with Comrade Misty with Jenna Giannios
On March 14th, Misty interviews co-founder of group “United for East Palestine”OpenVaers Reports: Quick and easy browsing & searching of reports
===> Watch:
Not surprisingly, mainstream media has largely moved on from the #EastPalestineOH disaster. As I always say, once the cameras leave, the REAL COVERUP begins.
Happy that @StatusCoup @louisd217 is BACK ON-THE-GROUND reporting in EP. ! ~Jordan Chariton
Refresher on the Circle of Life:
Preliminary test results as seen on United for Palestine FB Group:
Dioxin has been found in the water. What happens:
Symptoms of dioxin exposure may include loss of appetite, weight loss, loss of libido, sensory changes, severe fatigue, pain in the abdomen and extremities, memory impairment, uncharacteristic bouts of anger and insomnia. Short-to-long-term exposure may also result in skin lesions such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin as well as altered liver function. Brave AI, 03.14.23