AM Mid Day News March 6th: Government to Ban Platforms at Will?
Like a fireball straight out of hell, news of TikTok bans - and more - is exploding across the internet.
Well, this became a heated topic on our Mid Day Twitter Space rather quickly:
Should TikTok be banned?
Why not other infiltrated platforms like Instagram?
Who is - and should be in control - of content children view: Government or Parents?
Listen in to the discussion:
The Government Plan to Cover All Bases
EDITORS NOTE: At the time of writing the following happened
”U.S. Senators call for ban on TikTok and other apps”
In this Senators announced the “RESTRICT ACT”
Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology (RESTRICT) Act to comprehensively address the ongoing threat posed by technology from foreign adversaries, such as TikTok.
It has not been publicly posted on at the time of this writing.
This would replace the prior proposed legislation called Deterring America's Technological Adversaries, which was discussed on the March 6th space,
Because courts rejected a prior TikTok ban attempted under the Trump administration that was similar to the ban that the DATA Act proposes, the RESTRICT Act seems to be agreeable to some members of both parties because it offers a new path to a TikTok ban that wouldn't require Biden to overstep his presidential authority.
Like the DATA Act, the RESTRICT Act is general and gives them power to ban not just TikTok; it includes any foreign platform that is deemed "a threat."
The domestic bans are specific, the latest one being bill HR231; President Biden has already banned TikTok on U.S. government devices.
H.R.231 - Terminate TikTok on Campus Act of 2023
To prohibit Federal funds from being provided to an institution of higher education unless the institution has banned use of TikTok on electronic devices, and for other purposes.
To read: Proposed bill would give Biden the power to ban TikTok
But isn’t China in almost all our technology?
Perhaps the Government would prefer us have China’s version of TikTok?
Aside from foreign threats and spying, parents are concerned as well regarding other platforms data pulling and influence of radical agendas.
Isn’t this though a matter of parental guidance and involvement rather than Big Brother overreach?
There is no easy way out of this. Proposed answers are discussed in the space as well.