AMGrind Wrap Up Sept 25th: The Nuking of Our Sovereignty and Speech
Destroying US from the inside: Global elites, our government and cowardly corporations.
“Good morning, it is time for the Monday, September 25, 2023 edition of the AM Grind. My name is Patrick Rafferty and I'm your host this morning on America Mission's Monday thru Friday morning X space. I'm grateful to Carol for helping out with co-hosting and being the Yin to my Yang. And I don't mean Andrew Yang.
I must apologize to our veterans because Friday's veterans space ended up being more of an America Mission update, which was not my intent. I'll put something extra special together for this Friday's tribute to Veterans and the vital role they have and continue to play in America's Success.
So, how about that weekend? We had a squeaker of a college football game with Ohio State narrowly defeating Notre Dame, we had a "Best Gay Joke" space on Friday evening that was epic, and a fantastic Declaration of Independence education space yesterday afternoon.
Oh, and the news, Trump is up, the border is a disaster with some new data out from border patrol and it is an invasion, more money for Ukraine (remember the 6 to 7 years estimate from defense chiefs), we've got a great piece from our own Walter about trial by media (potential call to action), an attempt to limit WHO involvement in US policy, AND more progress on AM setup.
And I have some exciting news, the Convention of States group will be here a week from Thursday to share with us how they propose an Article V convention be structured, and to answer all your questions.”
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🔥 AMGrind Sept 25th 🔥
Four things YOU need to know:
This week is a big week for Republican challengers to former President Trump in the primary contest. Be watching to see who drops out after the debate AND what happens to next weeks polls.
It is time to stand up to cancel culture. We will be working on a "cancel calendar" to coordinate action to influence the tyrants in these corporations who are canceling right leaning voices without evidence or cause.
Check out an article from our own Walter Curt about Trial by Media:
The #MeToo Movement’s Destructive HistoryFrom the Daily Mail, how quickly Russell has had his livelihood threatened:
Burger King, Asos and HelloFresh pull ads from Rumble
The immigration topic will be a key factor in this upcoming election. Can Biden fix it? Does he want to fix it. Stay tuned as we bring you more on this later in the week. These tweets might get your blood boiling, and it should boil over what is being done to us.
Check out our upcoming X Spaces!
👇🏼Follow the accounts & turn on notifications!AMGrind M-F 7am eastern with Patrick Rafferty
Manic Mondays 3pm eastern with Commander Listless
Policy Party Thursdays 3pm eastern with America Mission and Breeauna Sagdal
4Kids w/ Kids: PragerU Civics Lessons Wednesdays 8pm eastern
with KimberlyC
Links contributed from today's discussion:
Intel’s Breakthrough “Glass Substrate” To Massively Boost Processor Performance
Wrap Up for Sept 22nd: The Foundation Of America Mission is You
Convention of States Handbook (for informational purposes only; needs update)
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