So Goes Wisconsin, So Goes the Nation!
A Wisconsin Supreme Court Election on April 4th will have National Impact.
Your help is needed now.
America Mission reps and Scott Presler held a space on the Wisconsin April 4th Supreme Court election.
An extremally important election for freedom is happening in Wisconsin on April 4th.
The election will be decided by 5,000 votes.
Wisconsin Supreme Court has four Conservative Judges and three Liberal Judges.
One Conservative Judge is set to retire.
If Judge Daniel Kelly is not elected, there will be a Liberal Majority.
This is significant for the Wisconsin Governor is a Democrat.
The Supreme Court has been the salvation to Wisconsinites freedoms.
It has kept the State from going Blue.
Constitutional freedoms have been upheld.
If Judge Daniel Kelly is NOT elected
The Supreme Court will have a Liberal Majority.
The following laws will be nullified:
Voter-id requirement;
Voter Proof of Residency requirement;
Manned voter-drop boxes (boxes will not be guarded);
Medical Freedoms;
Parental Choice in Education by defunding school choice;
Gun laws:
The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation or any other lawful purpose.
Wisconsin has state preemption laws which generally forbid cities from passing firearms or knife ordinances stricter than that of state law.
GOP could lose the Majority in Federal House of Representatives.
If Judge Daniel Kelly is NOT elected:Wisconsin’s Congressional Map will be redrawn.
Two additional Democrat Representatives will be added.
Socialist George Soros knows the importance of this race:
He has donated $1 MILLION for the defeat of Judge Daniel Kelly

We can help from the comfort of our own home!
Find out how:
Listen to Twitter Space from March 28th.
Follow on Twitter:
Scott Presler, Maze, Jennifer Lawrence, America Mission & Early Vote ActionJoin their daily Twitter Spaces to learn more, for practice calls and more.
Turn on notifications for each.
Click on bell circled in red.
Download from your phone’s app Store: Early Vote Action*
Apple App Store link: Early Vote Action
Google Play Store: Early Vote Action
When prompted on the app:
Enter your phone number
Allow for notifications.
Click on the ‘»»’ on the top left box.
Swipe left. Click on ‘Make Calls.’
Click on the top or bottom selection.
A list of 25 Republican supporters will be listed.
Do as many as you can. Any number of contacts made will help!Click Start. It will take you to the first person listed.
Clicking Next will take you to the next person.
(No screen captures for it would reveal ‘real names.’)Click Call to get a Script.
There is a Script for Voicemail and one for Answered.
You can modify the script and “make it your own.”
Note: The recipient will probably not like to be addressed by first name.The App will not ‘call’ until you are ready.
It will register that you have made the call/left msg so no one else will contact that person.OPTION:
If person does not answer, you can text that person as well.
Use a similar script.
*Early Vote Action PAC (“EVA”) was created to achieve a strict purpose — organize & mobilize Republicans to vote early, so that by the time Election Day rolls around, the Republican victory is already baked in.
The Opponent:

Early in-person voting!
Find out how: My Vote Wisconsin

Wisconsin Court Race has National Implications: