AMGrind Wrap Up Sept 27th: Let The Games Begin Part II
Are you ready to rumble? GOP Primary Prez Debate #2
“Good morning, it is time for the Wednesday, September 27, 2023 edition of the AM Grind. My name is Patrick Rafferty and I'm your host this morning on America Mission's Monday thru Friday morning X space. I'm grateful to Carol for helping out with co-hosting and for all of our loyal listeners and speakers.
Yesterday it was great to hear from some new folks, and some folks we don't hear from too often. I believe spaces are about the best place to practice how you're going to persuade a lost well-intentioned liberal that the politicians they are supporting are not the right answer. So, please do request a mic, and, as always, we'll let everyone say their piece, just raise your hand and be patient.
The AMGrind Rewind space summary including all the links to relevant articles is up in the nest, please leverage these sources in those fraught discussions... If each one of us can speak to one "lost classical liberal" each day, we can move those folks back to where they are a healthy counterpoint.
If you'll recall, we started off yesterday discussing cancel culture, specifically Russell Brand, the #MeTOO movement, and the cost to society of this very dangerous process wherein based upon an accusation, society will take away everything from the accused. AND, when the accusation ends up being false, sometimes even completely fabricated, there are NO consequences for the accuser. AND this is NOT OK. You might ask, well, what does "cancelling" or "blacklisting" have to do with #WorkingManWednesday???
I'm going to paint a picture for you in the first 15 minutes, and hopefully we can help each other with strategies to insulate yourself from cancellation... But I will let you be the judge of whether or not this exercise is successful.”
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🔥 AMGrind Sept 27th 🔥
Four things YOU need to know:
Tomorrow's (9/28) America Mission Policy Party will focus on the legislation that could act as a hindrance or an accelerant to cancel culture. Make sure you've reviewed Walter's article on "Trial by Media" before the space, and perhaps refresh your memory of the Restrict ACT by going to
Amy Cooper: White woman who called police on a black man bird-watching in Central Park has been fired
Notable conservatives from Heritage Foundation: 12 People Canceled by the Left After Expressing Conservative Views
And a Politician who spoke truth to power, former Rep. Steve King is a “database archive of documented examples of censorship that was created to help prove the extent of Big Tech’s bias.”
Walter Curt: Missouri v. Biden: A Landmark Case for Free Speech on the Horizon
Tonight is the 2nd Republican Primary debate being counter-programmed by former President Donald J. Trump with a speech to the United Auto Workers Union in Michigan. The debate will be live on FoxNews, and Trump will be live on NewsMax. Make sure you set your alarm and wake up with us tomorrow when the 1st half of the #AMGrind will be devoted to analyzing these competing newsworthy events.
Protect yourself from the censors, and from bad actors. Mark your calendars for a Zoom step by step walk through to secure your network against tracking by both the Feds and the criminals (is there much of a difference?). Our very own Esteban will provide details to myself and we will schedule up to three sessions led by him beginning the week after next. Stay tuned.
Check out our upcoming X Spaces!
👇🏼Follow the accounts & turn on notifications!AMGrind M-F 7am eastern with Patrick Rafferty
🔥Convention of States group will be on the October 5th space!Manic Mondays 3pm eastern with Commander Listless
Policy Party Thursdays 3pm eastern with America Mission and Breeauna Sagdal
🔥Sept 28th's Policy Party will be focused on cancel culture and specifically the laws that are being proposed that can further this deplorable fad.4Kids w/ Kids: PragerU Civics Lessons Saturday 5pm eastern
with KimberlyC
🔥Sept 27th’s lesson will focus on Article 1 Sections 1 - 7 of the Constitution.
Links contributed from today's discussion:
X-Space: VPN, TOR, Bitcoin, NOSTR Oct 3rd @ 9am eastern with Esteban Bellenito
Republican presidential primary debates:
Media’s Poll Panic: Trump Dominating (Triggered series, General Flynn)
The mandate of electronic tags in cattle is the beginning of the end for American cattlemen.
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